USJR holds e-commerce webinar with Consulting Team

The SGV Consulting Team conducted a webinar titled Data Security and Privacy in the E-commerce Era on 13 May. Hosted by the University of San Jose - Recoletos (USJR), the event was attended by 500 students from the USJR School of Business and Management and over 300 internal audit, risk management, and compliance professionals.  

image_1626059391.pngNixon, John, Alvin and Joyce with the moderators of the webinar

Technology Consulting Director Nixon Garais led the first session where he discussed the cyber and privacy risks and digital disruptions in e-commerce, particularly those that occur across the retail ecosystem. He then provided tips on how to effectively manage these risks. 

Technology Consulting Senior Director Alvin Manuel, Associate Director John Panes and Senior Associate Joyce Anne Umali discussed digital transformation and how to build a career in technology. They recounted their experiences at university and shared how these shaped their interest and passion in technology.  

image_1626059397.pngElvin presenting at the webinar

Business Consulting Senior Director and ISACA Manila Director Elvin Mercader wrapped up the session with a brief overview of ISACA, its purpose, relevant certifications, and support for the academe. ISACA Manila is a professional organization composed of information security, assurance, risk management and governance professionals.  

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